Middle Oxfordian Ammonites (Perisphinctinae) from Kachchh (India): Biostratigraphic and Palaeobiogeographic implications


The study of a rich Middle Oxfordian arnrnonite succession from Kachchh CW India) supplies new evidence to support the open biogeographic connections between the Submediterranean and lndo - East-African Provinces. The studied assemblage is precisely dated as Middle to Upper Transversarium Zone, (Middle Oxfordian), on the basis of representatives of Perisphinctes and Larche­ria, this finding being the first record of this West-European form from India. The dating of the assemblage is further strenghtened by the occuJTence of the tethyan form Gregoryceras

Palabras clave

Biostratigraphy, Palaeobiogeography, Upper Jurassic, lndo - East-African Province, Submediterranean Province, Transversarium Zone.

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